manage things
How Ya Gonna Keep ‘Em? -Dec 20, 2018
Reading time – 39 seconds; Viewing time – 2:09 . . . Near the beginning of my keynotes and workshops I often ask attendees what their biggest leadership challenge is. In the last couple of years I’ve commonly heard about the challenge of finding qualified people to fill job openings. Read MoreNews For You From Gallup -Apr 26, 2018
Reading time – 38 seconds . . . When people leave their jobs for another they routinely say they’re leaving for a better opportunity or better pay. While those conditions may exist, about 68% leave primarily because of a perceived conflict with an immediate superior. Have a look at my Read MoreYou’re a Leader, So What Do You Believe? -Oct 17, 2017
Reading time – 39 seconds; Viewing time – 1:37 . . . What do you believe? Can you make a short list of those things you believe down to your DNA, or at least your most important beliefs about being a leader? I suspect that crafting your own list would Read MoreYour Influence and Their A-Game -Jun 10, 2017
Reading time – 39 seconds; Viewing time – 2:17 . . . The first test to determine if you’re a leader is to look over your shoulder to see if anyone is following. The second test is to identify whether they’re giving their best. Why that second question? Because everyone Read MoreYa Wanna Piece o’ Me? -Apr 26, 2016
Reading time: 21 secondsOn the top business radio in Texas
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