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Note: If you haven’t read Boomer Blog – Parts 1 & 2, have a look at them and then come back here.
By now you may have accumulated enough toys and have figured out that life is no longer about yet more toys. You may even be thinking about life significance. My friend Jean calls that moving past tactical and on to influential. However it is labeled, you have realized that you are no longer invincible or immortal and some form of wanting to make a difference has come to mind.
That is a good thing, because the world needs you. Now. Right now.
Over the past decades you have learned so much. You understand things now that were opaque to you in years past, yet would have been of enormous benefit to you had you learned them earlier. Those are the things to focus on now, because someone else needs to learn them and you can help.
For example, in your years as a leader did you at last fully understand how important it is to every person to know that others believe in them? Who let you know that they believe in you? Turning that around, who looks to you for leadership and gives their best every day because you have let them know in large ways and small that you believe in them?
If you’re to expand your positive impact, you’ll have to learn new things. Your lazy brain will resist the hard work of crafting new neural pathways. It will conjure a thousand methods to derail your finding ways to give back to others – to pay it forward – but you can persevere. You must persevere. You’re a leader and someone is counting on you. Somewhere there is a calling – it is calling you now. And you must prepare to serve it.
It is and will remain the time for revitalization and growth.
Retirement? Fuggedaboudit!
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