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Researchers at Florida State University have found what they believe to be the key to true expertise. I’m talking about Michael Jordan level expertise. Oprah Winfrey. Warren Buffett. I’m talking about what it takes to be the best you can be, and you want to know about that, because these times require your best.
The answer is: 10,000. That’s how many hours of practice it takes to become the very best you can be in virtually any discipline. The reason it takes so many hours is because of the way the brain works, what it takes to assimilate all the information and craft the neural pathways so that excellence is second nature. And if you stop practicing, those neural pathways become inefficient and you can’t perform at the same level.
What that has to do with your leadership is that you can’t be the best leader you can be without practice – constant practice, learning at all times and practicing what you’ve learned over and over. Great leadership isn’t an, “I got it, so now I can cruise along on autopilot,” discipline, any more than being a piano virtuoso is.
All of that takes commitment. And you can’t be pretty committed to your best leadership because commit is an absolute: You either do or you don’t. It’s binary. There is no middle ground.
So ask yourself if you’re committed to what it takes to produce the success you want. Chances are it will take 10,000 hours of practice to become the best leader you can be and then ongoing practice to stay at the top of your game. But, then, that’s the only place you’d want to be.
What’s your practice for your professional development?
Click here to contact Jack about that very thing.
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