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Nov 06, 2012 | Post by: regangossett 1 Comments

Just Don’t Take Mine

Reading time: 30 seconds

We were on the beach of a beautiful island – just us and the shallow waves, the dolphins, pelicans, seagulls and a very few people looking for shells.  A woman walked past with a handful of treasures and we struck up a conversation.  She had been coming here for as many years as we had and she talked about having found a nice beach house and the way to rent it at a much lower rate.  Naturally, I asked if she would share her information.  Her immediate reaction was, “Well, as long as you don’t keep us from being able to come here.”

Perhaps it’s human nature to protect what we have – children, after all, have to be taught to share.  Still, her reaction was honest and instructive for leaders.

For people to step up, to shoulder more responsibility, to give their best, there has to be a place for them to step into.  If the leader is a control freak (you know who you are!), there’s no place for your budding leaders to step into.  That leaves people dispirited and performing at less than their best.

What are you hanging onto and guarding, perhaps like that woman on the beach?  What space are you taking that doesn’t have to be yours?  What is it that, if you let it go, it will both free the people who look to you for leadership to thrive, as well as free you of unnecessary burdens, all at the same time?

Today is a good day to start your “Stop Doing” list and invite your people to step up.  Then everyone will get

“More of what they want and less of what they don’t want!”

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Copyright 2024 by Jack Altschuler and Fully Alive Leadership. All rights reserved. Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

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