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Jun 30, 2020 | Post by: Jack Altschuler No Comments

Scaling UP!

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Some years ago I founded and operated a commercial and industrial water treatment company. I joined the international trade association – the Association of Water Technologies, or AWT – and eventually became its president. After that came facilitation, coaching and at last presenting keynotes and workshops focused on leadership, but I still have connections from those water treatment days.

Not long ago Trace Blackmore approached me. He, too, is a past president of the association and does a podcast called Scaling UP! H2O that is designed specifically to serve business leaders. He asked me to join him for a conversation, which resulted in the interview below.

Come on along for what I hope will be a good listen for you with some valuable takeaways. Many thanks go to Trace for the enjoyable conversation.

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Copyright 2024 by Jack Altschuler and Fully Alive Leadership. All rights reserved. Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

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