Walkouts and Resignations -Nov 02, 2021
What’s With The Walkouts and Resignations? You see it in the news and perhaps in your own shop. 4.3 million American workers quit their jobs in August alone. Workers are making a statement with their feet and you may be wondering why they’re doing that. Here’s a stab at a Read MoreTwo Opportunities For Our Time -Mar 30, 2021
You know that things have changed and they keep on changing and nobody was provided a manual for leading with all this going on. That’s the environment that leaders find themselves in right now. All this change and uncertainty has impacted the speaking business, too. I’ve revamped my programs specifically Read MoreResources Through the Noise -Jan 18, 2021
Reading time – 31 seconds . . . The world – and likely your world – is awash in information. That makes it difficult to wade through the noise to find what’s useful to you. That’s just one reason why it’s important that we share the good stuff we find. Read MoreA New Normal – Always -Oct 01, 2020
Reading time – 39 seconds . . . One of the things I do when delivering a keynote or workshop version of my Fully Alive Leadership – Leading in Uncertain Times program is to poll the audience. There are always discrepancies between the way they report how they themselves are Read MoreGreat Leadership In The Time of Coronavirus -Apr 28, 2020
Reading time – 29 seconds . . . There was some most impactful leadership offered to the children of Britain during the darkest days of the Battle of Britain. Princess Elizabeth was 14 years old in 1940, when she provided a clear, caring radio message, offering understanding and hope to Read MoreWe Need Your Ideas and So Do You -Apr 23, 2020
Reading time – 39 seconds; Viewing time – 1:44 . . . We humans are odd critters in many ways. One of them is that we’re uncomfortable seeing a problem that needs to be solved that doesn’t get fixed. If we don’t do anything about it, not only will we Read MoreCommunication v3.0 -Mar 19, 2020
Reading time – 38 seconds . . . Communication is one of the most difficult things human beings do. It is fraught with opportunity for creating conflict. Indeed, communication guru Lee Thayer tells us, “The fundamental result of all communication is misunderstanding.” Communication is best done face-to-face, because we get Read MoreInspiration – v7.0 -Jan 30, 2020
Reading time -39 seconds . . . Great leadership is, in part, centered around the issue of inspiration. Indeed, a 2018 survey done by the Zenger-Folkman organization and published in the Harvard Business Review Blog focused on boss-employee behavior and sheds light on this issue. Their study centered on how U.S. Read More

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